
【公告】Wiley Cochrane Library8月7日進行新平台轉移!

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【公告】Wiley Cochrane Library8月7日進行新平台轉移!

Wiley Cochrane Library為致力於提供高品質、高度證據力的醫療保健決策資訊,並且改善使用環境與功能,將於87日進行新平台轉移

平台轉移時間201886日下午20:00起至201888日上午08:00平台轉換期間資料庫仍可使用,''Save Search''功能會受到影響,資料可能無法正常存取因此我們強烈建議於該期間內避免使用此功能。





Cochrane Library: New site launching Tuesday 7th August 2018 – what will the impact be on saved searches?


Cochrane is pleased to announce that the Cochrane Library, which provides high-quality, independently produced evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, has been redesigned and enhanced to improve user experience and functionality. The new site will be launched on Tuesday 7th August 2018

Transferring customers’ existing saved searches to the new site is a crucial task for us. To help ensure a smooth transition, please note the following important points:



We strongly recommend not using the saved search function from 00:01 GMT on Monday 6th August 2018 until 23:59 GMT on Tuesday 7th August. Changes saved during this period may not be transferred to the new site.



Saved searches can be run on the current Cochrane Library site right up to the time that it is shut down; however as noted above any changes made during the transfer period may not be transferred to the new site.



All saved searches will be transferred automatically to the new Cochrane Library site, with no further action required by users.



During the transfer period, all other features of the Cochrane Library, including searching, viewing articles and running searches will be available. It is only the save function that will be affected.


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