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Turnitin從2020年自8月31日起將停止支援IE瀏覽器(Internet Explorer)。2020年8月31日起,使用者仍可使用IE瀏覽器登入Turnitin,但Turnitin產品將不再於IE瀏覽器中有任何更新,請及早更換使用其他瀏覽器,例如:Google Chrome、Firefox、Safari、Microsoft Edge登入Turnitin使用服務。 

Turnitin will be discontinuing support for Internet Explorer (IE) starting August 31, 2020. After August 31st, you will still be able to access Turnitin products using IE, but Turnitin products will no longer be updated to work seamlessly on the IE browser. Please begin accessing Turnitin with a different browser at your earliest convenience.


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