
【線上演講】7/7日 「人工智慧在藥物合成設計中的應用-Reaxys 預測逆合成工具為你解密」

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日期 Date7th July, 2022Thursday
時間 Time14:00 - 15:20


於 2018 年 Nature 期刊上發表,Waller、Segler et al. 與 Reaxys 團隊合作發展了一個深度學習的電腦演算法,針對類藥分子、天然產物,預測一系列的合成反應式、規劃逆合成藍圖,現在這個人工智慧工具已接收來自 Reaxys 資料庫一千五百萬條單步驟有機反應的訓練,能夠針對目標分子,產生逆合成樹狀路徑,追朔至商用可獲得的起始材料,此策略將在未來,顯著的精簡合成化學家面對逆合成分析的方法。

Waller and Segler et al. (Nature 2018, 555, 604–610) in collaboration with the Reaxys® team have developed a deep learning computer algorithm that produces blueprints for the sequences of reactions needed to create small organic molecules, such as drug-like compounds or natural products. Now, an artificial intelligence tool has been trained on more than 15 million unique single-step organic reactions from Reaxys®, which generates a retrosynthesis tree back to commercially available starting materials for a given target molecule. This approach has the potential to significantly streamline the way synthetic chemists approach retrosynthetic analysis in the future.

本次的演講,來自蘇黎世聯邦理工學院 Carreira 教授研究團隊的兩位成員將現身說法,分享在實驗室中,進行有機合成的研究工作中如何評價逆合成 AI 工具。會中將展示各種分子的研究案例(包含類萜 terpenoids、胜肽、雜環等類藥分子),比較 AI 預測的合成策略、與研究團隊嘗試的合成策略的優劣、討論目前 AI 能帶來的創新、限制與未來的發展。

Herein, in today’s webinar we will present a case study involving drug-like compounds and natural products, analyzing the synthetic strategies that Reaxys® Predictive Retrosynthesis applies towards these molecules. We will evaluate the strategies proposed by Reaxys® Predictive Retrosynthesis in comparison to previously used synthetic strategies in our research group. We will discuss the current capabilities, future development, as well as limitations of the software on selected examples.


以下為本次演講要點 The webinar will cover in detail:

  • Reaxys 預測逆合成工具介紹 Introduction of the Reaxys Predictive Retrosynthesis tool
  • 從化學家的角度比較人工規劃與 Reaxys 預測路徑的差異、優缺,並用各種分子進行案例分享 Using a Chemists perspective, compare the advantages and disadvantages between manual synthesis planning and Reaxys AI based prediction paths. Results using various molecules are shared.
  • Reaxys 預測逆合成工具試用說明 Introduction of the trial of the Reaxys Predictive Retrosynthesis tool



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