
【轉知)】UpToDate APP 無法正常登入

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親愛的UpToDate 用戶,

在此通知您,今日陸續有用戶回報無法正常登入UpToDate APP 的狀況(Android 或是 ios都不行),經確認,目前亞洲各國均有發生APP無法正常運作的狀況,目前我們已經緊急聯繫工程部門確認問題並希望能夠盡快恢復正常使用。

但UpToDate 網頁版是沒有問題的,建議使用者可以改用電腦或是平板登入瀏覽器 (https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search) 進行相關內容查詢,若在院外請記得使用行動版的帳密登入。

造成使用上的不便我們深感歉意,我們將在服務恢復正常連線後再行通知, 謝謝您的耐心跟體諒。

Dear UpToDate Customer, 

I am writing to inform you about a temporary interruption in the functionality of the UpToDate mobile applications available on the Android PlayStore and iOS App Store. Our Technical Support Teams are aware of the issue and are working diligently to resolve it as soon as possible.

 In the meantime, we encourage you to continue accessing UpToDate content through our website on your laptop, PC, or mobile web browsers. Simply log in with your registered UpToDate credentials to continue using our services without interruption. Click here: https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and patience.

Warm Regards, 


敬祝 順心


Wolters Kluwer Health | Clinical Effectiveness | UpToDate | UpToDate Lexidrug



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