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    已逝的仁心俠醫 林杰樑醫師,在大家心目中是位食品把關的守護者。他生前不僅常在媒體前宣導毒物知識及教導民眾正確的生活飲食觀念,也是位認真的醫師。陸續發表毒物與腎臟、糖尿病相關文獻,並持續尋找新治療法以拯救更多病患。
論文是可以傳世的,發現新的研究方式,救一個人也可能救全世界的人,讓他在重著學術研究的產出外,同時也重視對人體醫療的實用性。感謝他在食品毒物的努力,Elsevier 免費開放下載 (至 11 月 22 日)林醫師在 ScienceDirect 資料庫的全文論文,以茲紀念與認同文獻傳遞的重要性。 

巴拉刈 -
Spectrum of corrosive esophageal injury after intentional paraquat ingestion
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 28 (6), 2010, pp 728-733
Hyperacute rejection from a donor who died of carbamate intoxication - A case report
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 30 (8), 2012, pp1661.e1-1661.e4
Association of blood lead levels with mortality in patients on maintenance hemodialysis
The American Journal of Medicine, 124 (4), 2011, pp 350-358
Low-level Environmental Exposure to Lead and Progressive Chronic Kidney Diseases
The American Journal of Medicine, 119 (8), 2006, pp 707.e1-707.e9
Environmental lead exposure and urate excretion in the general population
The American Journal of Medicine, 113 (7), 2002, pp 563-568
Aluminum utensils contribute to aluminum accumulation in patients with renal disease
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 30 (5), 1997, pp 653-658
Flavonoid-induced acute nephropathy
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 48(5), 2006, pp e81-e85
醫學/ - 
Acute renal failure induced by a Brazilian variety of propolis
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 46(6), 2005, pp e125-e129
醫學/其他 -

Elsevier 感謝林杰樑醫師對食品安全相關的學術貢獻




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